However, please note that your notebook original equipment manufacturer (OEM) provides certified drivers for your specific notebook on their website. This is a reference driver that can be installed on supported NVIDIA notebook GPUs. If you would like to be notified of upcoming drivers for Windows, please subscribe here. : Rendering fails with GL_INVALID_OPERATION error in the draw call.: Application corruption and possible blue-screen crash occurs when enabling WARP while Mosaic and Quadro Sync are enabled.Please consult your NVIDIA support team for details on resolving this behavior. : Unexpected flashing may appear on the display connected to the second GPU.: Frame overruns occur in the application when using the QuadroSync swap group.Security Bulletin: NVIDIA Driver Security Updates for CPU Speculative Side Channel Vulnerabilities This driver adds the following security updates for driver components: ODE branches generally do not introduce new features after the branch introduction and are dedicated to long term stability for ISV certification, OEMs, and Enterprise customers.

Release 375 is an ‘Optimal Drivers for Enterprise’ (ODE) branch release.